Selenium-Java Coding Convention( Java Coding Standard)

Selenium-Java Coding Convention( Java Coding Standard )

Selenium-Java Coding Convention
1.What is coding standard ?
Set of protocols( guidelines ) and programming style that developer follow during writing code/test script.

2.Benefits of following coding standard ?
1.Code is Easy to Read & Understand
If developer of code follows coding standard (i.e. giving meaning-full name to method or variables ) then code will be easy to read & understand to everyone.

2.Code is Easy to Maintain
If everyone is able to understand code then anyone can do necessary changes in future(easy to change/maintain).Your code should be easy to maintain since it is very rare that original author will be available for lifetime.

3.Code is Easy to Contribute
If more than one developer/automation engineer is working on same project they must follow coding standard since it makes easy to share, contribute & integrate. In case of open-source programming language developers from different part of world makes their contribution & following standards very important in this case.

4.Reflects Experience of Developer
Experience developer or Automation engineer should follow coding standard since it reflects their experience.

3.Java Coding Standard:
1. Coding Standard for Class
Generally Class name should be noun & first letter should be in uppercase. And if class name contains more than one word then every inner word should start with uppercase.
e.g. FileInputStream , FileWritter, etc.

2. Coding Standard for Interface
Generally Interface name should be adjective & first letter should be in uppercase. And if Interface name contains more than one word then every inner word should start with uppercase.
e.g. Comparable , Serializable , etc.

3. Coding Standard for Package
Package name should be in lowercase so that no conflicts should be between class & interface name. Mostly firms/ companies use reversed internet domain name as package name followed by project name /module name.
e.g. com.example.mypackage

4. Coding Standard for methods
Generally Method name should be verb or verb-noun & it starts with lower case. And if method name having multiple words then camel casing approach is used.
e.g. print(), sleep(), run() ,getName(), setName() etc.

4.1. Getter Methods should
  • be public
  • start with prefix “get”
  • not take any argument
4.2. Setter Method should
  • be public
  • start with prefix “set”
  • return type should be void
  • take some argument
5. Coding Standard for Variable
Generally Variable name should be noun & it starts with lower case. And if method variable having multiple words then camel casing approach is used.
e.g. name, mobileNumber etc.
